ambition-logoThe National Ambulance Resilience Unit will have a major presence at AMBITION 2014 at London Olympia on 29-30 April 2014.

Visitors can now register free of charge at

AMBITION is the NHS Ambulance Service’s main annual conference and exhibition event and is supported by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE).

Aside from a stand at the show, the NARU Education Centre will be giving demonstrations in the workshop/demo area, and there will be the opportunity to meet NARU staff and network.

The show is co-located with Counter Terror Expo and is expected to draw in up to 12,000 visitors in total, from ambulance, fire, police, counter terror, resilience, home office and a range of other backgrounds.

NARU, along with other national ambulance groups and all AACE members, will be holding their meetings at the event which also includes a conference session on the Wednesday.

There is also one of the largest exhibitions of its kind featuring all the latest products and services of relevance to the ambulance, resilience and counter terror communities.

Visit for more information or to register to attend free.


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